The word diversity means that my classroom is a collection of unique individuals, with every student having different strengths, likes and dislikes. Diversity can also relate to physical appearance, sexual identity and orientation, and religion. I hope my future classroom is fair, in the way that my students all have equal opportunity and the help to maintain that equal opportunity. I aim to offer my students many resources and strategies to help them with equal fairness. Finally, I hope my students feel valued, not only by myself but also by their peers and other school colleagues. I hope to create an anonymous platform for my students to offer suggestions to create an equal and inclusive classroom that I can maintain.

Within my current classrooms, I bring a multitude of options to my students, whether that is with assignments, different apps and technologies to use within the school or by incorporating multiple learning styles within my lesson plans. During my extended practicum, I plan to introduce myself with my preferred pronouns and encourage them to do the same. Hopefully, I will make the students more comfortable and feel valued by myself. I have noticed that I am pretty comfortable conversing with each student individually and that I am adept at speaking to the more troubled students when they do not want to participate in the class. I believe this creates a more inclusive classroom. While I am still new at this, and there are many places to grow, I hope to maintain an inclusive classroom throughout my career as a teacher.